All Videos Latest Most Popular Episode Clips Full Episodes Season 1 - English In the Beginning Chris, Joy and Gizmo see Lucifer rebel in heaven, then tempt Adam and Eve in Eden. The Test! Chris, Joy and Gizmo see Abraham and Isaac face an extraordinary test of faith. Jacob and Esau Chris is mad at Joy until meeting twin brothers torn apart by unforgiveness. Let My People Go! Chris, Joy and Gizmo see Moses challenge Pharaoh to free Israelite slaves in Egypt. The Ten Commandments Chris, Joy and Gizmo see how God gives His laws to protect and bless people. A Giant Adventure Chris has stage fright until meeting David, the boy who confronts Goliath. Roar! Chris won’t confront a bully until seeing Daniel face death for doing what is right. The First Christmas Chris, Joy and Gizmo witness the true meaning of Christmas. Miracles of Jesus Chris thinks a magician can do miracles until he sees God’s power at work. The Last Supper Chris wants to be treated like a rock star until he sees how Jesus shows leadership. He Is Risen Chris defies his mother until he sees Jesus suffer, die, and rise again. The Road to Damascus Chris, Joy and Gizmo think a thief can’t change until they meet Saul. Revelation: The Final Battle! Chris thinks he can never be forgiven until he witnesses the end of the world. Let My People Go! – Bible Background Explore the archaeological, historical, and cultural context of the Superbook episode “Let My People Go!” Let My People Go! – Signposts Discover how the Superbook episode “Let My People Go!” points to God’s plan of sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. A Giant Adventure – Bible Background Explore the archaeological, historical, and cultural context of the Superbook episode “A Giant Adventure.” A Giant Adventure – Signposts Discover how the Superbook episode “A Giant Adventure” points to God’s plan of sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. Miracles of Jesus – Bible Background Explore the archaeological, historical, and cultural context of the Superbook episode “Miracles of Jesus.” Miracles of Jesus – Signposts Discover how the Superbook episode “Miracles of Jesus” points to God’s plan of sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. The Last Supper – Bible Background Explore the archaeological, historical, and cultural context of the Superbook episode “The Last Supper” The Last Supper – Signposts Discover how the Superbook episode “The Last Supper” points to God’s plan of sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior Season 2 - English Jonah After hearing God's message from the prophet Jonah, Joy realizes that mercy is a wonderful gift. Joseph and the Pharaoh's Dream After witnessing God take Joseph from the prison to the palace, Chris realizes the value of trusting in God's plans. The Fiery Furnace Chris learns about choosing to obey and trust God through the story of Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace. Rahab and the Walls of Jericho After seeing how Rahab helped the Israeli spies, Joy learns that those who seem like enemies can get along and find common ground. Esther - For Such a Time as This By witnessing Queen Esther stand up for her people, the Jews, Joy returns home full of the resilience and fortitude to do the right thing. John the Baptist Chris comes to understand what it means to live truthfully and to point others to being more like Jesus through the example of John the Baptist. Paul and the Shipwreck After watching Paul's tireless persistence during his missionary travels, Joy returns to an international relief project filled with the Spirit that no hardship will stop her. Job After experiencing the story of Job, Chris realizes that God will always be with him no matter how tough the circumstances. Noah and the Ark Heartened by Noah's example, Chris and Joy return to the present day determined to make better choices. Gideon Learning from the example of Gideon, Joy realizes she can do anything when God shows the way. Peter's Denial After seeing Peter deny knowing Jesus three times and his eventual restoration, Chris comes to understand the value of true friendship. The Prodigal Son Chris comes to understand through the parable of the prodigal son, that God will always accept us back into His family with open arms when we say we are sorry. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal Chris is hooked on becoming the most powerful “god” in an online game. Suddenly, Superbook sends him to a time when Elijah battled the prophets of Baal, and showed the power of the one true God. Season 3 - English Ruth Chris doesn't want to do yardwork for his Aunt Isabel. Superbook take him to meet Ruth and witness how her kindness and loyalty is rewarded through the actions of Boaz. Tower of Babel and the Day of Pentecost Chris and Joy struggle to communicate with a new foreign student. Superbook takes them back in time when God created multiple languages. The Birth of John the Baptist Joy is struggling to babysit Charlie, who is quite disobedient. With Superbook's help, Joy witnesses how God helped Elizabeth to have a baby and realizes that with God's help, she can see little Charlie in a whole new light. Isaac and Rebekah By disobeying his father, Chris causes a robot to destroy the yard. Superbook takes Chris to meet Eliezer, who is on his way to find a wife for Isaac. Through this journey, Chris learns the importance of following instructions. Naaman and the Servant Girl No one seems to be following Joy's orders and her service project is falling apart. Through the story of Naaman, Joy returns home with a changed attitude about service and humility, and applies it to her project. Samuel and the Call of God Chris believes he is too young to be called by God to help Jason. Superbook takes them back to a time when the young Samuel is called by God to serve Israel. When Christ returns home, he acts on his calling, and makes an attempt to befriend Jason. David and Saul Two teens destory Chris’ guitar and he vows to take revenge, but Superbook whisks him off to meet David. Even though King Saul tries to kill David, David shows mercy. When Chris returns home, he decides to leave judgment to God. Nehemiah Chris has to tutor two class clowns, and through their antics, he wants to give up. Superbook whisks Chris to meet Nehemiah, who is mocked for rebuilding Jerusalem's walls. Through Nehemiah, Chris learns to do the job God gave him and ignore mockers. Elisha and the Syrians Joy plans to get even with Barbara, who shared an embarrassing video about Joy. Before getting even, Superbook takes Joy back in time to witness miracles performed by Elisha against the Syrian army. Joy then decides not to get even with Barbara. Lazarus Joy wants to help a disadvantage girl, but isn't sure how to help. Superbook sends Joy to meet Jesus and see him perform the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead! Joy returns home and creates a series of amusement park rides for her to enjoy. King Solomon Chris's father leaves him in charge of a challenging project. When he is unsure what to do, Superbook takes the him to meet King Solomon. Solomon encourages Chris to pray for wisdom. After returning, Chris, with God's wisdom, solves the challenges. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream When Joy is swamped by many projects, Superbook takes her to meet Daniel in King Nebuchadnezzar's palace. Through prayer, God gives Daniel insight into the King's dream. After Joy returns home, she seeks God in prayer for solutions to her problems. The Good Samaritan The kids see a girl and her little brother taking all the ketchup packets to make “ketchup soup.” Joy doesn't think she should get involved. After Superbook shares the story of the Good Samaritan with the kids, Joy decides to help those in need. Season 4 - English Jesus Feeds the Hungry Joy organizes a craft fair to raise money for a food pantry—but there’s not much to sell. How can a few things possibly be enough? Peter and Cornelius Chris will get detention if he’s late for school again, yet a hall monitor quickly reports him for not being on time. The two boys could never be friends, could they? Paul and Silas Joy wants to escape from the hospital, where she must have her tonsils out. How can she find confidence to face the surgery? Solomon’s Temple Chris is excited that his team will compete in a championship using the robot he designed—until he’s told not to go! Peter’s Escape Chris and Gizmo give Joy a virtual tour of the world, but she is shocked by all the suffering she sees. How can one person make a difference? Jesus Heals the Blind When Chris goes to a church’s Christmas pageant, he begins to wonder—is there something special about Jesus that he hasn’t seen clearly before? Joshua and Caleb Chris has a chance to become a starter on his soccer team when he discovers some teammates cheat to win. Should he join their scheme? Elijah and the Widow Chris can’t understand why his mom is sending him to so many different stores. Should he follow her instructions anyway? Teach Us to Pray After his grandpa dies, Chris and his grandma find an old family Bible. When she begins to cry, Chris feels desperate. Jeremiah Chris just wants to play a game downtown when he is shocked to find a homeless family living by a dumpster. He can’t do anything to help—or can he? Jesus in the Wilderness Chris is tempted to play a violent video game that his parents have forbidden. Why not—it’s just a game, isn’t it? Paul and Barnabas When Jia Wei is mocked for inviting students to a Bible study, Chris wonders—shouldn’t he keep his beliefs to himself? Philip Chris is fascinated with a new invention to build homes for the poor. Can he use it to become rich and famous? Season 5 - English The Birth of Moses Joy is excited about a trip to the water park when her parents ask if she’d help them feed poor people. It’s up to Joy—what should she do? Nicodemus Chris is on a ski trip with Joy, Gizmo, and the church youth group when Ellie, a classmate, asks what he believes about Jesus. How should he answer? Zacchaeus Joy gets angry when Chris forgets to help her. She knows he really needs forgiveness and salvation, but good people like her are fine—or are they? The Sermon on the Mount When Chris and Joy try to put Jesus’ teachings into practice, everything goes comically wrong. But do they really understand what He said? Isaiah Chris wonders if his mom believes in God, but he can’t talk to her about that—or can he? Baptized! Chris, Joy and Gizmo are surprised when Superbook takes Ellie along with them for an adventure by the Sea of Galilee. Witness a miracle as Peter goes fishing, and discover how Jesus calls all of His followers to be fishers of people! Jesus—Friend of Sinners Joy is having tons of fun with her Christian friends—but should she spend time with other friends too? Paul Keeps the Faith Superbook takes Joy, Chris and Gizmo to Rome during Nero’s cruel reign. They meet Julia, who serves in the prison where Paul is locked up for spreading the Good News of Jesus. The children discover that they should never lose hope in God’s promises! Love Your Enemies Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to see how Jesus is arrested, yet heals a wounded guard, and forgives those who kill him. Then Stephen forgives the people who stone him to death. Discover how mercy overpowers hatred and revenge! Paul and the Unknown God, Part 1 Superbook launches Chris, Joy and Gizmo on a two-part adventure. In Part 1, travel to Athens, where the Apostle Paul challenges people who believe in many gods. The children begin to see how to tell others about the one true God! Paul and the Unknown God, Part 2 Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to meet Paul as he travels from Athens to Corinth. Discover how God reveals Himself through creation in the finale of this two-part adventure. The children learn how to share how they know that God is real! Doubting Thomas Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to Jerusalem after Jesus is crucified. Soldiers say His body was stolen from the tomb, but what should the children believe? Discover how Chris, Joy and Gizmo find out that Jesus is always there—for everyone! The Promise of a Child Chris has promised to write a new song for the church’s Christmas program, but he’s out of ideas. Where can he get some inspiration? Rescued! Superbook takes our heroes to witness miracles as Jonah is cast overboard; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are tossed into a fiery furnace; and Daniel is thrown to the lions. The children learn that God can rescue His people in surprising ways! Heroes of the Bible Superbook takes Chris and Joy to see Noah building an ark even though there is no rain, and Rahab bravely hiding the Israelite spies that Joshua sent into Jericho. The children learn how to be a hero in God’s eyes! The Widow’s Mite Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to see Jesus in the Temple. Why does He say a poor widow with only two tiny coins gave more than the rich people who gave bags of money? Discover how God blesses those who give generously from their hearts. Temporada 1 - Español En el principio Cuando Luis desobedece a su padre al entrar en el laboratorio, para ver el más reciente invento del Profesor, él tiene un accidente que casi destruye el trabajo secreto... ¡La gran prueba! Luis está emocionado porque recibió un Holo-9, ¡lo último en juegos holográficos! Pero, Luis empieza a sentirse algo culpable cuando escucha que un niño enfermo en el hospital le gustaría tener uno... Jacob y Esaú En el patio de los Pérez, durante una energética guerra de agua, Anita moja accidentalmente las funciones internas de Tuercas y él deja de funcionar. Debido a esto, Luis se enoja con Anita y dice que no la perdonará jamás... ¡Deja ir a mi pueblo! Cuando Luis y los demás hablan sobre sus aventuras favoritas de Superlibro, tienen dificultad en decidir cuál fue la mejor... Los Diez Mandamientos La familia Pérez, junto con Anita y Tuercas, disfrutan de un campamento familiar cuando Luis decide, en secreto, que habrá más aventura si ignora las reglas de sus padres y el guarda parques... Una aventura gigante Luis Pérez pierde la confianza de tocar su guitarra frente al público. El Superlibro lleva a los niños a conocer otro joven que tuvo que enfrentar a su propio "gigante"... La historia de Daniel Luis es retado moralmente para “hacer lo correcto” cuando un niño más joven llamado Tomi es molestado por Martín, un bravucón del parque de patinaje... La primera Navidad La locura comercial navideña reina en la casa Pérez. Luego que Luis comenta que el pesebre familiar es tan solo otra decoración, como los renos o duendes de Santa Claus... Milagros de Jesús Cuando Luis empieza a creer que el mago Miráculo posee poderes verdaderos, Superlibro se lleva a los niños a la histórica Galilea, donde Jesús hace verdaderos milagros como sanar un cojo... La Última Cena Luis está muy orgulloso porque su banda ha sido invitada a audicionar para un programa popular llamado La Mejor Banda del Mundo. Para atender este asunto... Él ha resucitado Luis discute con su mamá, Fabi. SUPERLIBRO interviene y en un episodio especial, se lleva a Luis, Anita, Tuercas y a Fabi de regreso en el tiempo, para un encuentro con María, la madre de Jesús, cuando van a crucificar a su hijo... El Camino de Damasco Cuando un joven delincuente entra en las vidas de Luis y Anita, ellos no ven cómo él cambiará su estilo de vida. Sin embargo, Superlibro lleva a nuestros héroes en una aventura donde conocerán al siniestro Saulo de Tarso... El Rey y el dragón: La última batalla Luis provoca un incendio accidentalmente que quema la casa de la familia Pérez y él cree que no recibirá perdón por algo tan grave. Superlibro lleva a Luis, Anita y Tuercas para mostrarles el fin de los días y por esta experiencia... Temporada 2 - Español Jonás Anita ve a Claudia Torres robarse una bicicleta y lo reporta a la directora. Para sorpresa de Anita, la Directora Ruiz le ofrece a Claudia misericordia en lugar de justicia... El tejedor de sueños Superlibro lleva a Luis al antiguo Egipto. Luego de presenciar a Dios llevarse a José del pozo al palacio, Luis entiende el valor de confiar en los planes de Dios. Prueba de fuego Luis es probado con un dilema moral y Anita le advierte hacer lo correcto. ¡De pronto, Superlibro los lanza de vuelta en el tiempo, donde tres hombres son probados por el fuego! Rahab y los espías ¿Es posible que un enemigo se convierta en tu aliado? Anita parece pensar que no lo es. Pero después de que Superlibro transporta al trio dinámico a presenciar la caída de las murallas de Jericó... Ester: la reina libertadora ¿Defenderías a un compañero en la escuela, aun si al hacerlo perdieras tu fama o popularidad? Este es el dilema en el que Anita se encuentra. Pero cuando Superlibro transporta a los chicos a conocer a la Reina Ester... El mensajero de Dios Escoger la verdad no siempre es el camino más fácil o el más divertido. Cuando Luis se enfrenta con esta realidad en su vida, Superlibro lleva a los niños a conocer a Juan el Bautista... Milagro en alta mar En la prueba más oscura; en las circunstancias más adversas, ¿de dónde viene la fuerza para salir adelante?Junto con la familia Pérez, Anita es parte de un equipo de rescate... La odisea de Job El mundo de Luis está derrumbándose. Su abuelito de repente fallece y el dolor y la confusión se apoderan de Luis. ¿Por qué le ocurren cosas malas a personas que intentan hacer el bien? Noé y el arca Luis y Anita parecen no entender el famoso refrán, hasta que Superlibro los transporta, junto con Tuercas, al tiempo de Noé. En una aventura de proporciones globales... Gedeón: el guerrero inesperado Cuando una situación difícil se presenta, Anita piensa que no tiene lo que se requiere para ser un líder. Pero en eso, Superlibro transporta a los chicos a conocer a Gedeón. Perdón sin reservas ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu mejor amigo te ignorara y fingiera no conocerte en frente de otras personas? Esto es precisamente lo que Luis le hace a Anita. Pero cuando Superlibro lleva a los chicos... El regreso del hijo perdido ¿Es verdad que Dios es un Padre bueno y está dispuesto a perdonarnos aun si nos hemos alejado de Él? Déjate sorprender, junto con los chicos y Superlibro, al escuchar a Jesús... El Dios de Elías Luis no puede despegarse de su juego 3D en línea, pues quiere llegar al nivel más alto y ser el “dios” más poderoso. Ya ni siquiera tiene tiempo para sus amigos y familia. Pero después de un emocionante... To Watch This Episode Please sign in or register for a free Superbook account to watch full episodes, earn SuperPoints and win great prizes. SIGN IN REGISTER Episodes Available for Superbook Partners Only Superbook partners can watch full-length Superbook episodes online or on the free Superbook Kids Bible app.If you are already a Superbook partner, please log in. You may need to link your email address with your Superbook partner account. FIND OUT MORE PROFESSOR QUANTUM'S Q & A CONTRAPTION Does money make people bad? Click Here To Discover The Answer >>> What's New Elijah and the Prophets of Baal - Salvation Poem The Rain Returns Israel Repents God Incinerates The Altar Most Popular Videos Wise Men The First Christmas - Superbook DVD Club Promo Goliath Meets David Satan vs Christ in the Storm Most Popular Games All Games >> The Great Fish Dove Quest Gizmo's Embark Bug Out